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Trademark Encyclopedia is the source of trademark information on the Web. Carefully categorized, easy to find, with detailed descriptions all the most useful information about trademarks in one place.
Trademark is a legally protected, unique product element distinguishing it from competitors. It can me a name, a phrase, a symbol, a logo, a project, image, shape, motive or melody used to identify a product. In most countries trademarks are registered through a patent office and cannot legally be used without the owner's consent. Trademarks are designated by ™ sign for unregistered trade marks, ℠ for unregistered service marks and ® or registered trade or service marks.
Trademark Encyclopedia contains very detailed information about all kinds of trademarks. If you need such information you can easily find it here. All you need to do is choose the right letter or put the brand name into our search box and it's all there.
Trademark Encyclopedia is a free, accessible compilation. No registration or captcha is required just click and get all the information you need. We do not expect anything in return, although it would be nice if you told others about us.
If you're here, it's probably not by chance and you need the information but even if you don't, you are welcome to try us out of curiosity we are sure you can find a lot of interesting, useful details, such as registration date, the owner or prosecution history for each trademark.
This web site is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the trademark's owners.